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Poilus place

A road intersection where trees have been planted.

Poilus Place

Poilus Place is situated within a reserve created by blocking the road at the corner of Pershing Place, Poilus Parade, and President Poincare Parade. This initiative was part of Henry F Halloran’s vision to incorporate green spaces into his estates. He often included islands at road intersections, where gardens and trees could be planted.

The abundance of public spaces like parks and playgrounds encouraged social interaction among Tanilba Bay’s residents. However, by the late 1920s, internal reserves became problematic due to their secluded locations, leading to misuse as rubbish dumps.

Road closures expanded reserves but added dog-legs to straight roads

The complex street patterns in the area posed navigation challenges. In response, the Port Stephens Council implemented road closures, altering the road network by adding dog-legs to straight roads. This initiative expanded reserves, improved management, and enhanced the estate’s layout.

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