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Bob’s Farm Cadre Camp; Refugees from Timor in Port Stephens during World War 11

This unique publication tells of the secret war-time operation which evacuated nearly 600 Timorese refugees during WWII. The camp was initially set up as a cadre camp and accommodated the refugees in army tents. Included are refugees stories and a complete name index. Softcover – $25 + $8.50 p&h

Fly Point Pioneer Burial Ground Nelson Bay

The Publication reveals the early pioneers buried at Fly Point, Nelson Bay between c. 1862 to 1896. it includes the early maritime history and settlement of Fly Point during its most formative years and biographical information on the people buried there. It includes fully referenced records from the local Court House, Probate Office, Marine Board, Census, Coroners’ Inquests, Shipping and Immigration, Births Deaths and Marriages as well as submitted family history. Softcover $20 + $8.50 postage

Bench Book Of Magistrates Port Stephens Bench Book May to December 1832

This book covers Convicts, Indented Servants & Staff of the Australian Agricultural Co. Some of the areas covered are Booral, Stroud, Karuah and Port Stephens .The Bench Book is a companion book to the Convicts of the Australian Agricultural Company 1825 – 1850. Softcover $25 + $8.50 postage (A discount applies when purchased with the Convicts of the AA Company book)

Nelson Bay Cemetery, Carumbah Bushland Memorial Gardens & Columbarium

Includes colour photos and inscriptions of the 3 sections of Nelson Bay Cemetery. Includes contents and index. This CD is an E-Book and will self install. CD SPECIAL $20 Now only $10 + $5 postage Port Stephens Pilot Indexes The Port Stephens Pilot was printed between July 1926 and February 1930 . This CD contains entries from the paper covering Port Stephens and the wider Hunter Valley area. CD Rom PDF format SPECIAL $15 Now only $10 + $5 postage

Sydney Morning Herald 1868 April, May & June.

Extracts of Births, Deaths, Marriages, Funeral Notices and Inquests. This book contains extracts of the above items. Entries cover events not only from the Sydney area but worldwide. A very interesting read. Softcover 180 pages SPECIAL $15 Now only $10 + $8.50 postage

Port Stephens Family History Society Resource Catalogue 2007

Complete up to date catalogue of the society’s holdings, following the Dewey Decimal System. Includes Index Softcover 50 pages $10.00 + postage

Convicts of the Australian Agricultural Company, 1825-1850

Biographical Index – 1329 Convicts 206 pages now in its 3rd printing Softcover $30 + $13.00 postage (A discount applies when purchased with the Port Stephens Bench Book)

A History of the Tilligerry Peninsula

A look at the history of the local area. Includes chapters on early settlement, history and development, with a family name index. Softcover 70 pages $15 + $8.50 postage. OUT OF PRINT- CD available soon

Henry Halloran Henry Ferdinand Halloran (1869-1953)

Realtor, Surveyor, Valuer, Auctioneer, Town Planner, Conveyancer & Local Government Engineer – with a penchant for poetry, history & waterways. His versatility, energy and tenacity helped shape Port Stephens (and many other areas of NSW) during the first half of the 20th century. Softcover 44 Pages. Cost: $15 + $8.50 postage.

Anna Bay Lawn Cemetery: Headstone inscriptions and Photographs

Includes photos and a transcripts for each burial and cremation in Anna Bay Lawn Cemetery. Also includes alphabetical index of burials. This CD_ROM requires Internet Explorer to run. SPECIAL $20 Now only $10 + $5 postage. Download a Publication order form. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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