Circular Stone Walls

A convient place to turnaround especially for horse & cart

During the Great Depression, as land sales declined, Henry F Halloran shifted his focus to constructing stone and other structures on his estates and public spaces. The Circular Stone Walls at the corner of Caswell Crescent and Pomona Place served as a turning point for traffic.

This area included Halloran’s Change Room at the end of Pomona Place, intended for a swimming enclosure and Sunrise Point viewing area. However, the council rejected the swimming enclosure proposal, leading to a lack of anticipated traffic.

Turning a motor car or a horse-drawn cart would have been challenging, prompting Henry to install a turning circle at the corner of the roads. To highlight this pivotal point, he surrounded the area with stone walls.

Halloran’s Circular Stone walls are located next to the asterisk on the corner of Caswell Crescent and Pomona Place

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